Created From Necessity


REBELxLABS was created because its founder needed to make the radical shift in her life. She had maxed her output and was ready to shift her priorities. She created a framework to make the jump, discover herself, and redesign her life around freedom, joy and ease.

The company’s mission is to leverage that expertise to serve those that are ready to hit the reset button, step away from the status quo, reconnect with who they really are and what they really want, and design a life in deep alignment with that knowing.




A process rooted in exploration 


The journey hasn’t been easy but its rewards have been priceless. Company Founder, Lisa Kavanaugh, has lived the three stages of Leap, Liminal, & Landing for the last seven years. See her journey below.


My Leap

I am a former tech executive turned Leadership & Life Design Coach. In my previous life I was Chief Technology Officer leading a large software organization and living a high pressure, high stress life.

In 2013, I pulled the ripcord and quit my job, rented the house, sold the car and fulfilled a lifelong dream of backpacking around the world for a year with my husband.


My Liminal

Throughout that year I applied and curated a set of tools that enabled me to uncover who I was aside from a “high achieving female CTO”.

At the end of that year I was clear I wasn’t “going back” to a life of always on, trying to impress others and stress induced ulcers.

I made a commitment then & there to chose me, my health and my happiness.

That one year turned into seven and I’ve continued to live the dream of designing a life of working remotely from various locations around the world.

I was fortunate to work with several talented coaches throughout my career, without whom I may have not had the courage to redesign my life.


My Landing

I asked myself what I really wanted to do and discovered I wanted to be on the other side of the coaching relationship to be in service of others seeking the same freedom.


I work with people who are serious about making a big life shift. Those that are looking for courage to break free from the traditional paradigm of work/play and take a leap, as I did, and find their wings on the way down.


Take the journey to unlock your own connected freedom.